Not to be unpatriotic or anything, but we, by which I mean Indians, take ourselves too seriously. Our sense of humor and our indefatigable optimism is what delivered us from the British oppression, the Emergency, assorted bomb blasts, wars, riots and what have you. I think we have lost our sense of humor. How else would you explain the following:
1. Manoj “Bharat” Kumar taking umbrage at a spoof made at his expense in OSO
and threatening to file a defamation suit against the film-makers.
2. Madam Mayawati calling for an all-India ban on Aaja Nach Le, because she felt that the lyrics of a song in the film insinuated caste distinctions and would definitely hurt sentiments.
3. Violent protests against Tasleema Nasreen’s book. The same Tasleema of mediocre talent and her books soft-porn, at best.
Whatever happened to tolerance. Lighten up people!